Understanding sex, gender and equity related influences is integral to understanding the impacts on health of various routes of administration, safe use and cannabis use as harm reduction. It is also key to developing tailored support and treatment for a range of groups. Explore some of the resources below to learn more about effective approaches to support health and wellness, reduce harm & offer treatments that examine sex and gender related factors and incorporate them into models of support.
Guides & Toolkits
Some Alternatives to Using Cannabis to Cope with Stress (English)
Quelques Pistes Pour Faire Face au Stress Sans Cannabis (Français)
Women and Harm Reduction Resource List
Brief Intervention on Substance Use with Girls and Women: 50 Ideas for Dialogue, Skill Building, and Empowerment
Integrating Sex and Gender Informed Evidence into Your Practices
Treatment for Problematic Cannabis Use
Sex-and Gender-Based Analysis in Cannabis Treatment Outcomes
Understanding Benefits and Reducing Harm